Payment Logos FAQs

Can I upload my own custom logos?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to upload your own custom Payment Logos through our app - you may use the already available logos and customize them to fit your store's needs.

The available logos have been created from scratch and have special properties that allow them to be fully customizable and scalable. Therefore uploading normal images (logos) is not possible through the app, as they would not serve the same functions.

You can add custom image logos directly to your store's theme files - you can ask the help of your theme developer to add them. If you're a bit familiar with HTML, you can do this yourself by following these steps:

  1. upload images to Shopify files
  2. once the image is uploaded, copy the URL
  3. insert it in the theme files by adding this small piece of code that would display your preferred image on your store:
<img src="your_url_here" />

Please keep in mind that once the image is injected into your page, it might require additional styling (dimensions, positioning, etc.) Even if it's outside our customer support team's scope, we're happy to help you with this if you send us the image URL and specifications.

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