Importing product reviews from a CSV file

It's easy to import reviews from any source by adding them to a CSV file and importing them all at once into Vitals Product Reviews app.

1. Download this empty template vitals-reviews-template.csv.

2. Fill in the fields as explained below.

3. Upload it to the Product Reviews app using the Import button inside the Import tab:

💡 Ensure that the reviews in the CSV are verified and are real reviews. Shopify does not allow the display of fake/manipulated reviews according to their Acceptable Use Policy.


  • product_handle - the Shopify product handle, if your product's URL is, then awesome-product is the handle
  • state - decide whether the review should be published to the store or join the moderation queue, possible values are published or unpublished
  • rating - the review star rating, between 1 and 5
  • title - the review title (not displayed by Vitals, used for compatibility with other apps)
  • author - the reviewer's name
  • email - the reviewer's email address
  • location - the reviewer's location (not displayed by Vitals, used for compatibility with other apps)
  • body - the content of the review
  • imageUrl - URL of the review picture (for multiple pictures you can use multiple URLs separated by commas)
  • reply - if the merchant replied to a review, the reply should be added here
  • created_at - the date on which the review was added, format 2019-10-01 09:50:00
  • replied_at - the date on which the review was replied to, format 2019-10-01 09:50:00

Please note that the ProductId/handle, rating/review_score, and text/content/body columns should never be empty - these columns are mandatory. Kindly find more info about the mandatory and optional columns found from the different import sources at the bottom of the page. 

To ensure that the CSV files won't get corrupted, we recommend using the editors below. Also, ensure that the reviews are properly enclosed in double quotation marks so that the review contents are not cut off as they are being uploaded.

  • Other programs like OpenOffice or LibreOffice (which we highly recommend for CSV editing due to its improved UTF-8 support as well as quoting and others): then there is an option offered when saving the file, called "Quote all text cells."

Please do not use the Numbers app in Mac OS to create/modify/save CSV files as it will corrupt the data and render the file unusable. Please use Excel or Libre Office instead.

If your product handle contains special symbols such as ™️, the file will have to be saved as UTF-8 CSV instead of CSV for the import to work.

If you encounter any issues when uploading the CSV file, please reach out to us. We will check it for any signs of corruption and try to re-upload it on your behalf.

Below are the different columns found in the different importer sources in the app. All the other columns can be empty, especially the "optional" ones.


Field Remarks
product_id mandatory
product_handle mandatory only if the product_id is empty
body mandatory
rating mandatory
created_at mandatory
published 1 or 0 only


Field Remarks
curated ok = published/anything else = pending
rating Mandatory
body Mandatory
product_id Mandatory
product_handle Mandatory
picture_urls optional, comma-separated
reply optional
reply_date optional, ISO-8601


Field Remarks
status Active = published/anything else = pending
rating Mandatory
review Mandatory
productId Mandatory
handle Mandatory
img comma-separated
reply optional
replied_at optional, ISO-8601


Field Remarks
status automatically published
rating Mandatory
body_text Mandatory
created_at ISO-8601
product_handle Mandatory
photo_urls JSON-encoded


Field Remarks
state approved or published = published/anything else = pending
rating Mandatory
body Mandatory
created_at ISO-8601
product_handle Mandatory
imageUrl comma-separated
reply optional
replied_at optional, ISO-8601


Field Remarks
rating Mandatory
body Mandatory
product title, Mandatory
state optional; published = published/anything else = pending
imageUrl optional, comma-separated
reply optional


(note: The fields have spaces, and each field is mandatory to be in the CSV file)

Review Status
Review Score
Reviewer Display Name
Review Content
Reviewer Email
Review Creation Date
Product ID
Product Handle
Product Title
Published Image Url
Comment Content
Comment Date
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