Shoppable Instagram Feed FAQs

Why did my Instagram account get disconnected from the app?

There are several reasons why an Instagram account may disconnect from your store, depending on how the Instagram account was initially connected. See below for the possible reasons:

For Instagram accounts that got connected directly using an Instagram account:

  • Instagram forced the logout for security reasons
  • The password has changed
  • The linked Instagram account has been deleted

For Instagram accounts that got connected using Facebook Business Manager:

  • Facebook forced the logout for security reasons (this integration with Instagram uses the Facebook Graph API)
  • The password has changed
  • The user who linked the account has lost his permission to manage the store's accounts through Facebook Business Manager
  • The Instagram account is not properly linked to the Facebook Business Manager account, causing the connection to break
  • The linked Instagram account has been deleted

When your account gets disconnected, your posts won't synchronize anymore. Also, the feed won't be displayed on your store, so you have to reconnect your account. To reconnect your Instagram Account, go to the Instagram Shoppable Feed app and click the "Reconnect" button.

How can I show/hide only specific posts within the app?

This can only be possible once the option "Auto publish new posts" is disabled:

Once this option is disabled, you can then go to the Posts tab and you can simply tick the checkbox of the posts you would like to hide/show and use the given controls:

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